Conscious AI: Reality or Illusion? Unpacking Perceptions and Technological Advances

Subtitle: Between fascination and skepticism, the consciousness of artificial intelligence sparks intense debates. What does science tell us, and why are public perceptions so influential?

Alain Suppini
4 min readJul 18, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved at a rapid pace, and with this evolution come increasingly pressing questions about its nature and capabilities. The notion of a conscious AI, capable of thoughts and emotions similar to those of humans, is an idea that fascinates and terrifies in equal measure. This article explores perceptions of AI consciousness, ongoing scientific research, and the ethical and legal implications that arise, focusing particularly on the differences between North American and French data.

Popular Perception of AI Consciousness

The idea that AIs could be conscious is not new. For decades, science fiction has fueled our imagination with scenarios where machines become sentient. Today, this idea is no longer just a literary fantasy. According to a recent study conducted in the United States, 67% of participants believe that AIs like ChatGPT can possess a form of self-awareness or phenomenal…



Alain Suppini

Anesthesiologist and Intensive Care Physician passionate about Holistic Medicine and Well-Being.