The 13 Golden Rules for a Successful Life: Dr. Steven Hayes’ Guide

Alain Suppini
5 min readJun 30, 2024

Achieving a successful life is a universal goal. Whether in the professional or personal realm, everyone aspires to find happiness and fulfillment. The notion of success is not limited to professional achievements and performance; it also encompasses success in relationships, friendships, parenting, and personal development. Dr. Steven Hayes, a professor of psychology at the University of Nevada, unveiled 13 essential rules for succeeding in all aspects of life in an article in Psychology Today. Here is a detailed overview of his advice for a more fulfilling and successful life.

1- Focus on the Process, Not Just the Outcome

When we set a goal, we tend to focus on the final result. Dr. Hayes suggests instead focusing on the process that leads to that goal. “Success is the result of many small progressive steps. If we forget this, we become impatient, lose concentration, and risk getting scattered,” he explains. By breaking your goal into accessible and doable steps, you significantly increase your chances of success. See it as a game to reduce the pressure related to the final outcome.

2- Fail by Acting, Not by Inaction

The only way to become good at something is to practice over and over. Too often, we…



Alain Suppini

Anesthesiologist and Intensive Care Physician passionate about Holistic Medicine and Well-Being.